Lukasz Reszczynski . Ime i prezime dovoljno govore o shvatanju situacije na Balkanu - amerikanac poljskog porekla. Ko zna, šta to znači - zna...ko ne zna...e pa nek nauči :)
utorak, 22 jun 2010 22:42
Tekst još nisam pročitao, ali sigurno više govori o Poljacima sumnjivog porekla, nego o temi iz naslova.
sreda, 23 jun 2010 07:51
thinking maize
Sledeći redovi sve govore: "Albania remains one of the most loyal allies of United States in the region. The decision of access of Tirana into the structures of the North Atlantic Treaty may ne perceived as an example of those unique relations. However it is not directly connected with the plans of stabilizing the region by including it into the Euro-Atlantic structures, it is difficult not to notice that this decision was made quite over the top...
Despite the weak foundations and political difficulties, Albania fulfils the prerequisites which justify perceiving the state as one of the regional leaders. Two factors make it possible. The first is the large number of Albanians living outside their motherland. In the case of Kosovo and Macedonia they have a serious impact on the evolution of the political situation in their country. The process of weakening of the Albanian nationalism, often connected with the idea of „Great Albania” is worth of being emphasised. Some researchers claim that this phenomenon is consciously weakened by the government in Tirana, which finds the striving towards an access to EU more important. The second factor is an extraordinary loyalty towards the United State... I šta reći posle ovoga? Možda Aleksandar Levčenko ima pravo "glede" Poljske? No nije kriva Poljska i obični Poljaci zbog ovog "tipa". Prema tome, braćo i sestre, građani građanke, pamet u glavu (i d... uza zid!), pa težak i naporan rad, kao što pomenu prof. Antonić! A jedan veliki Britanac reče: "Ne mogu Vam ništa obećati nego KRV, ZNOJ i SUZE!" Ako ništa drugo, spoznaćemo SVU VREDNOST ISTINE!
sreda, 23 jun 2010 12:27
@ roadrunner i markozo
Smanjite malo dozivljaj i teorije zavere tamo gde im nije mesto. Covek je Poljak. Tacka. A nije nikakav "amerikanac poljskog porekla"?! Proverite sta govorite i pisete - pre nego sto napisete. Pozdrav.
petak, 25 jun 2010 11:39
Dobro, neka bude "samo" Poljak :) Nema tu nikakvih zavera, dalko bilo, samo prirodno stanje stvari. Ko do sad to nije naučio o Poljacima, ja ga neću učiti
Despite the weak foundations and political difficulties, Albania fulfils the prerequisites which justify perceiving the state as one of the regional leaders. Two factors make it possible. The first is the large number of Albanians living outside their motherland. In the case of Kosovo and Macedonia they have a serious impact on the evolution of the political situation in their country. The process of weakening of the Albanian nationalism, often connected with the idea of „Great Albania” is worth of being emphasised. Some researchers claim that this phenomenon is consciously weakened by the government in Tirana, which finds the striving towards an access to EU more important. The second factor is an extraordinary loyalty towards the United State... I šta reći posle ovoga? Možda Aleksandar Levčenko ima pravo "glede" Poljske? No nije kriva Poljska i obični Poljaci zbog ovog "tipa". Prema tome, braćo i sestre, građani građanke, pamet u glavu (i d... uza zid!), pa težak i naporan rad, kao što pomenu prof. Antonić! A jedan veliki Britanac reče: "Ne mogu Vam ništa obećati nego KRV, ZNOJ i SUZE!" Ako ništa drugo, spoznaćemo SVU VREDNOST ISTINE!